Marcello Barison, La palude approssimativa

🇮🇹 Essay for La palude approssimativa, Marcello Barison’s solo show at Ninni Esposito Arte Contemporanea, Bari, December 3 2016   La palude è sempre se stessa, e tuttavia è sempre altro. G. Manganelli, La palude definitiva Grazie alla forma le opere […] sembrano annunciare in…

Mattia Lullini, OK OK OK OK OK

🇬🇧 Critical text for OK OK OK OK OK, Mattia Lullini’s solo show at Galleri Magnus Winström, Göteborg, November 3 2016. …he demanded a disquieting vagueness that would give him scope for dreaming until he decided to make it still vaguer or more definite. […] He…

Tellas, Clima estremo

🇬🇧 🇮🇹 Critical text for Clima estremo, Tellas’ solo show at Wunderkammern Gallery, Rome, October 15 2016. Proud music of the storm! Blast that careers so free, whistling across the prairies! Strong hum of forest tree-tops! Wind of the mountains! Personified dim shapes! you hidden orchestras!…

Le street art est-il fini?

🇫🇷 « FAME Festival est mort. Ce que vous êtes, nous l’étions. Ce que nous sommes, vous le serez.Mais toujours pis et tard. » Nous pouvons lire ces mots sur l’ancien site du FAME Festival, qui a eu lieu à Grottaglie,une petite ville dans l’Italie du…

La grande illusione della street art «amministrata»

🇮🇹 Maggio 2008. Qualcuno aveva condiviso su un forum online un video in cui, grazie alla stop-motion, alcuni disegni raffiguranti creature per lo più antropomorfe, si animavano e muovevano lungo i muri e le superfici più varie di un paesaggio urbano dai tratti vagamente post-industriali. Più tardi…

CT, Comfort Zone

🇬🇧 Comfort Zone Self-published fanzine curated by Quiet Propaganda Studio Wallpainting: CT, Pic: Marco Schiavone, Text: Vittorio Parisi 2016. Abandoned places originate from the cessation of an activity. They naturally evolve to a secondary landscape. Gilles Clément, Manifeste du tiers paysage, 2004 The non-place is…

Toujours béton: 108, Alberonero, CT, Marco Schiavone, Mattia Lullini

🇫🇷 Critical text for Toujours béton, group show by 108, Alberonero, CT, Marco Schiavone and Mattia Lullini for Galerie Slika, Lyon, May 19 2016. La ligne graphique caractérise la surface et la détermine en se la subordonnant comme son fond. […] La ligne graphique donne à…

Agostino Iacurci, Le muralisme comme acte poétique

🇫🇷 🇬🇧 Du papier aux grandes surfaces urbaines, la parabole artistique d’Agostino Iacurci vise a réduire la distance entre l’esthétique fonctionnelle de l’illustration et la poétique propre à chaque contexte urbain où l’artiste agit. Le résultat d’une telle rencontre est une nouvelle forme de muralisme: sa missione…

Agostino Iacurci, Long Story Short

🇬🇧 Short presentation for Long Story Short, Agostino Iacurci’s solo show at Die Kunstagentin, Cologne March 16 2016.  Your gaze is suddenly captured by the colorful image of a plant sitting on a chair, wearing a hat and with a pair of boots lying on…

Andreas Senoner, Metamorphosis

🇮🇹 Critical text for Metamorphosis, Andreas Senoner’s solo show at Doppelgaenger Gallery, Bari, February 19 2016 Materiam superabat opus Ovidio, Le metamorfosi, Libro II, 5 La fortuna di cui gode la metamorfosi come soggetto artistico, letterario, musicale o ancora cinematografico, è testimoniata da un fitto elenco…