Categoria: Indoor

Agostino Iacurci, Trompe l’Ĺ“il

🇬🇧 Short presentation for “Trompe l’Ĺ“il”, Agostino Iacurci’s solo show at Celaya Brothers Gallery, Mexico City, November 10 / December 9 2017 […] une abstraction qui n’en retient que l’essence Yves Bonnefoy In an essay from 1953 named Les tombeaux de Ravenne, Yves Bonnefoy uses these words…

Fresh Flâneurs (indoor)

Production: Doppelgaenger Artists: 108, Eltono, Hell’O Monsters, Ozmo, Sam3, StenLex Conceived as a survey of the styles, the techniques and the genres that have characterized European urban art in the last decade, Fresh Flâneurs is an indoor/outdoor project based in Bari and consisting in six…

108 + Elzo Durt: Crossroad

Production: Doppelgaenger Artists: 108, Elzo Durt Crossroad #1 is a double exhibition by artists 108 (Italy, 1978) and Elzo Durt (Belgium, 1980). As the title suggests, this show means to cross two completely different artistic practices – painting vs. printing, abstraction vs. figuration, black vs.…

Old Story / New Twists

Production: Doppelgaenger Artists: GaĂ«l Davrinche, Alain Delorme, Carolin Jörg, Andreas Senoner The exhibition “Old Story / New Twists” includes four young artists and each of them uses a different expressive medium: painting, photography, sculpture and mixed-media. The aim of this exhibition is to show some recent…