Tag: sculpture

Agostino Iacurci, Trompe l’œil

🇬🇧 Short presentation for “Trompe l’œil”, Agostino Iacurci’s solo show at Celaya Brothers Gallery, Mexico City, November 10 / December 9 2017 […] une abstraction qui n’en retient que l’essence Yves Bonnefoy In an essay from 1953 named Les tombeaux de Ravenne, Yves Bonnefoy uses these words…

Andreas Senoner, Heritage

🇮🇹 Short presentation for Heritage, Andreas Senoner’s solo show at Doppelgaenger Gallery, Bari, October 5 2017. Nel 1908 il biologo e neurologo tedesco Richard Semon scrisse Die Mneme, saggio che oggi ricordiamo per aver introdotto un neologismo destinato a trasformare per sempre l’idea di memoria, quella…

Andreas Senoner, Metamorphosis

🇮🇹 Critical text for Metamorphosis, Andreas Senoner’s solo show at Doppelgaenger Gallery, Bari, February 19 2016 Materiam superabat opus Ovidio, Le metamorfosi, Libro II, 5 La fortuna di cui gode la metamorfosi come soggetto artistico, letterario, musicale o ancora cinematografico, è testimoniata da un fitto elenco…

Andreco, Climate 01

Production: Pigment Workroom, GFR Sponsorship: Label Paris-Europe, Mairie du 18e arrondissement de Paris Artist: Andreco   CLIMATE is an itinerant and international public art project about climate changes, their causes and their impacts. As the starting point of this journey, Paris has been the scene…

Luci e ombre del puer aeternus

🇮🇹 Catalog text for Dittico, Andreas Senoner and Nicola Vinci’s double solo show at Doppelgaenger gallery, Bari, April 24 2013. […] ciò che abbiamo sentito, pensato, voluto sin dalla prima infanzia è là, chino sul presente che esso sta per assorbire in sé, incalzante alla porta…

Old Story / New Twists

Production: Doppelgaenger Artists: Gaël Davrinche, Alain Delorme, Carolin Jörg, Andreas Senoner The exhibition “Old Story / New Twists” includes four young artists and each of them uses a different expressive medium: painting, photography, sculpture and mixed-media. The aim of this exhibition is to show some recent…