Tag: abstract

Mattia Lullini, OK OK OK OK OK

🇬🇧 Critical text for OK OK OK OK OK, Mattia Lullini’s solo show at Galleri Magnus Winström, Göteborg, November 3 2016. …he demanded a disquieting vagueness that would give him scope for dreaming until he decided to make it still vaguer or more definite. […] He…

CT, Comfort Zone

🇬🇧 Comfort Zone Self-published fanzine curated by Quiet Propaganda Studio Wallpainting: CT, Pic: Marco Schiavone, Text: Vittorio Parisi 2016. Abandoned places originate from the cessation of an activity. They naturally evolve to a secondary landscape. Gilles Clément, Manifeste du tiers paysage, 2004 The non-place is…