Tag: graffiti

L’art satirique de Blu entre dĂ©artisation et auto-iconoclastie

🇫🇷 In this article I focus on the work and the practice of Blu, an Italian artist whose artistic process consists of the production of monumental mural paintings that are marked by humanist, environmentalist and anti-globalization subjects that are close to libertarian culture. Because of the…

Alexandre Bavard, fanzine

🇫🇷 Entretien is a fanzine realized with Alexandre Bavard, aka Mosa87: a conversation about illegal graffiti and a series of pictures taken during a cold Sunday morning in a vacant lot. You can find it here.

Le street art est-il fini?

🇫🇷 « FAME Festival est mort. Ce que vous ĂŞtes, nous l’étions. Ce que nous sommes, vous le serez.Mais toujours pis et tard. » Nous pouvons lire ces mots sur l’ancien site du FAME Festival, qui a eu lieu Ă  Grottaglie,une petite ville dans l’Italie du…

CT, Comfort Zone

🇬🇧 Comfort Zone Self-published fanzine curated by Quiet Propaganda Studio Wallpainting: CT, Pic: Marco Schiavone, Text: Vittorio Parisi 2016. Abandoned places originate from the cessation of an activity. They naturally evolve to a secondary landscape. Gilles ClĂ©ment, Manifeste du tiers paysage, 2004 The non-place is…

Nawer, Entre dissonance et profondeur

🇫🇷🇬🇧 Polonais, Nawer a su transformer sa pratique originelle de graffeur en quelque chose d’assez singulier : un art abstrait gĂ©omĂ©trique, dĂ©sintĂ©ressĂ© de tout dĂ©sir de perfection et vouĂ© Ă  la recherche d’un terrain commun entre la rigueur de l’architecture industrielle et le pouvoir Ă©vocateur de…

The Sex of Graffiti. Urban art, women and “gender perception”

🇬🇧 In this paper I explore the intersection between urban creativity and gender studies, through a composite methodology and with a double purpose: to examine the role and the recognition of women in the graffiti and street art milieu; and to test the existence, the extent,…

Graffiti et street art Ă  Pantin

🇫🇷 RĂ©diger une histoire et une thĂ©orie Ă  la fois du graffiti et du street art est devenu aujourd’hui une mission relativement risquĂ©e. Nous nous retrouvons face Ă  deux phĂ©nomènes qui – en voulant Ă  un instant donnĂ© tenir pour acquis le rapport souvent soulignĂ© entre l’un et l’autre – existent dĂ©sormais…

Enziteto Real Estate

Production: Pigment Workroom Artists: Alberonero, Alfano, Ciredz, Geometric Bang, Tellas Formerly known as Enziteto, San Pio is a social housing project built during the 1950s and located in the suburban area of Bari. Originally imagined as the “ideal city”, San Pio turned out to be…